

Our heritage. The Vineyards

Fruit of vines that can be 50 or, in some cases, even 70 years old, our wine production is focused on still white wines, product par excellence of Friuli Venezia Giulia region.

The traditional guyot and cappuccina training systems are used.
The average density varies between 4,000 vines per hectare (with an average production of 2-2.5 kg per plant) and 5,000 vines per hectare (with an average production of 1-1.5 kg per plant).

Respect for the environment is our priority

Work in the vineyard is artisan work – also referenced by the Vinars Tavern logo – which involves limited use of fertilizers and phytosanitary treatments.
Depending on the wine, the total sulphur content in our wines is between 85 g/l and 100 g/l (by law organic wines can contain up to 100 mg/l for reds and 150 mg/l for whites).
In the summer, we eliminate the bunches that will not be used for winemaking to improve the quality of production. De-leafing is done by hand.

The farm also has a photovoltaic plant.


The Kitchen Garden

We also cultivate memory

It is said that some of our vines saw the Second World War, so they must have produced grapes for well over 70 vintages!
Located behind the home farm near the old kitchen garden, vines of Tocai, Malvasia, Pinot Bianco, Picolit, Verduzzo, Cabernet Franc and Merlot.
Here, between one row and another, head of the family Severino Brumat planted his vegetables.

The Band

Ca’ si che si lavora ben! [It’s great to work here – Friuli dialect]

From here we harvest the grapes with which we make our Friulano, but there are also various rows of Cabernet, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon.

Sot la Mont

The grapes are up high, away from the pheasants

Here, just below the Hill of Medea, where the soil is rich in minerals and bright red in colour, stretch the rows of Tocai, so far-reaching that, when harvesting … “a no finisin plui!” (there’s no end to them! – Friuli dialect).


Nice bunches and good grapes

“Tant lavor ma… biei raps e buine ue!” (a lot of work, but… nice bunches and good grapes).
This is the only vineyard that we rent. The vines grown are Malvasia, Tocai, Merlot and Verduzzo.


In the early hours of a silent day
the country is shrouded in an intimate protective mist.
Sweet is the gait of pheasants and partridges
amongst the dormant flora.
I hear the muffled sound of village bells in the distance
to mark the work of the sleepy peasant.